Bower Center for the Arts

Bower Center for the Arts
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Bower Center for the Arts

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Welcome to Bower Enews, the official blog for the Bower Center for the Arts located in Bedford, Virginia. Follow our updates on all current and upcoming events including concerts, workshops, and new art exhibits. Read a small sampling of our Write Now writers group or view a selection of photos from our new photography group. Find links to other art galleries throughout our area. Let us know what you're doing - leave us a comment or idea. Join us in extending the arts throughout all Southwest Virginia and beyond.


Enjoy this poem by Helen Bull:
There he sleeps in my favorite chair.
Does he even know I’m here?
His forepaws are crossed in a comfortable manner,
His breath is even and light.
Not a care in the world, no concern crosses his mind.
And yet …
That one blue eye is open a slit
To watch lest danger approaches I run a finger along his coat
Not a stir -
Not a hint he gives.
But, should a stray fly, mouse or bird approach
Off like lightning he goes
Performs his hunter’s duty,
And returns to sleep
in my favorite chair.